Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chaos Rising - Crimson Slaughter - Part 4

Not much of an update really, just showing off the Daemon Prince (I still have to paint the wings)

That's it really. More soon!!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Chaos Rising - Crimson Slaughter - Part 3

I have been working on a bit of everything lately.

I did some work on the Helldrake (Images for that will be in another update) as well as some work on a Rhino conversion, some cultists and a bit more work on the Hellbrute.

I also started on a Daemon Prince (which kind of distracted me from all of the other things I need to finish)

I still have to paint the wings and separate Armour plates (as well as finish the ones attached to the model) but you can see it is starting to take shape.

Here you can see it next to the Hellbrute (for size comparison)

With the wings attached, this thing is huge!

Finally, we have the Rhino. It has only been basecoated and washed (with Agrax Earthshade) but the major conversion work has all been completed.

There is still a lot of work to be done in the painting, but it is looking pretty good so far, I think.

That's it for this week. Hopefully, next week, I will have a Helldrake to show off (or maybe the week after.....)

Monday, January 27, 2014

Chaos Rising - Crimson Slaughter - Part 2

I have been working on the Crimson Slaughter over the weekend. I would say they are 99% finished (I always find something I missed and need to touch up a few days later)

The miniatures have all had their "Slotta-Tabs" removed and have been glued to their final bases.

Check them out below.

As you can see in the photo above, I have begun working on the Cultists too.

I have also been working on the Hellbrute (Mainly the flesh)

Finally, I also did a little work on the Helldrake (added the washes to the base coat)

Before & After the wash (Agrax Earthshade)

Now I just have to re-paint all of the red bits..... this might take a while.

More to come soon........

Monday, January 20, 2014

Chaos Rising - Crimson Slaughter - Part 1

Chaos Space Marines

The first miniatures I decided to tackle from the Dark Vengeance box set were the Chaos Space Marines. (these are the first Chaos Space Marines I have ever painted)

I have been painting them (when I can) over the past week and a half, and I am pretty happy with the results I have been getting. (The painting is not finished yet, I still need to paint the cloaks, fur, flesh, and other details)

I started by priming the miniatures with Tamyia Grey Primer, then base coating them with Tamyia Flat Red.

The next step was to paint all of the Gold trim. This was done with Citadel Brass Scorpion.

Once all of the trim was painted I used a was of Citadel Agrax Earthshade over the entire model.
Once the wash was dry, i painted over all of the red areas with Citade Mephiston Red. This was then highlighted with Citadel Evil Sunz Scarlet.

To highlight the Gold trim, I used Citadel Sycorax Bronze.

The bone teeth, and horns were basecoated with Citadel Rakarth Flesh, washed with Agrax Earthshade, and highlighted again with Rakarth Flesh.

For the weapons I am using a combination of Mephiston Red and Leadbelcher, with a wash of Agrax Earthshade. I will be highlighting the weapons with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Runefang Steel. (I may also add a wash of Nuln Oil to the weapons depending how they look once they are highlighted)

When I started painting the Chaos Army, the first Miniature that I began painting was the Hellbrute.

He is a little bit behind the Chaos Space Marines now in terms of the painting, but I will get back onto him soon. I just have one more model to get painted first...... A Helldrake.

I won't be using this model in any games right away (will need to practice a bit with the basic set first) But I just could not help myself when I was in my local Games Workshop store last week. I have been having so much fun painting the CSM's that I wanted to do even more. I have worked out a 1000 point Chaos army for when we expand our games and the Helldrake is one of the units, so I thought why not get one and get it painted.

You can see int the photo above that this is the model with just the Tamyia Flat Red basecoat, and the Brass Scorpion trim. I have painted most of the trim on the model in three days (I still have half of the main body to paint and the four large wings)

Once the trim is complete I will paint the bone sections with Rakarth Flesh, and the metal with Leadbelcher, then wash the entire model with Agrax Earthshade.

My First Finecast.... (or Failcast)

The final model in my painting queue for Chaos is a Finecast Chaos Sorcerer.

This is my first Finecast miniature and I kind of went in to it expecting it to be a bit disappointing (thus I was not disappointed when I saw all of the problems with the miniature)

Everywhere you look on this model there are problems. Form the rivets that are actually pinholes due to bubbles, to the missing section of cloak and helmet.

Unfortunately, for now at least, there is no other choice than to accept that Finecast just is not that FINE, and move on. There are some more models that I want to add to my armies that are only available in finecast.

So that's it really. I still have to paint all of the Chaos Cultists, and Dark Angels (I have them basecoated already)

Hopefully I will have the CSM and Hellbrute finished for my next post, and the Helldrake all together and ready for detailing.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

WH40K Table

O.K. so after 10+ years out of the hobby, I have decide to jump right back into Warhammer 40K.

When I was first involved in WH40K I never actually played a game, I used to just paint. This time around however, I have decide that not only will I paint, but I will also play this time as I now have someone to play with (an 11yo Son went crazy the day he found my box of old miniatures in the garage)

So after purchasing a copy of Dark Vengeance a few weeks ago I decide that if we were going to do it properly we would need a table to play on.

So........... I started to build one.

I decide that I really wanted a trench warfare style table (because I thought it would be a bit more interesting than a flat table.

I found a video by Blue Table Painting on you tube of a table they made and decide that I would copy their design for the most part (I really liked the table they had made and figured that if it worked for them it would work for me)

I built the table so that it can be split into 4 pieces for easy storage (the pieces are doweled together)

Below is my finished table (the first pic is a bit blurry, but you get the idea)

I must say I am pretty happy with how it turned out.I still have a few small details to add to it (Moss, Puddles and the odd tuft of grass) but it is otherwise finished and ready for playing on.